KLM’s Geslaagde Actie
A new proposition to connect with future frequent flyers
After you’ve graduated from high school, there’s only one thing you want: to enjoy your freedom, grab your backpack and travel the world.

Tapping in on the Dutch graduates’ tradition of hanging the schoolbag on the national flag, some sleepy graduates found that KLM secretly put something in their school bag that made their dream come true...

Prior to the final exams, our campaign was a rallying cry to sign-up and digitally place an iconic blue KLM backpack and flag on your house using Google Street View, hoping this image would turn into reality after graduation! KLM’s Geslaagde Actie spread like wildfire and got massive traction and exposure.
Year after year, since the beginning of this campaign in 2017, KLM surprised graduates throughout the country. Annually activating over 26% of all the graduates in the Netherlands and building brand love with these future frequent flyers. Turning KLM’s strategy into reality as the most caring airline.

Targeting not only graduates, but also their supportive parents, neighbours, uncles, aunts, etc. the campaign organically spread and generated a whooping €500K in media value, with a media budget of just €25K.
Targeting not only graduates, but also their supportive parents, neighbours, uncles, aunts, etc. the campaign organically spread and generated a whooping €500K in media value, with a media budget of just €25K.
With a little under 200.000 annual graduates in The Netherlands, we managed to engage and activate 26%(!) of them.
With a little under 200.000 annual graduates in The Netherlands, we managed to engage and activate 26%(!) of them.
The campaign proved to be extremely relevant and newsworthy as it was based on a true insight and further accelerated the positive vibes that come with graduating. It was therefore picked up by local and national press, resulting in over 30M impressions.
The campaign proved to be extremely relevant and newsworthy as it was based on a true insight and further accelerated the positive vibes that come with graduating. It was therefore picked up by local and national press, resulting in over 30M impressions.
With a relatively small budget, we realised maximum effect with a return on advertising spend of 2629%
With a relatively small budget, we realised maximum effect with a return on advertising spend of 2629%
We managed to achieve a significant shift in brand perception towards the desired values ‘open’, ‘friendly’ and ‘caring’.
We managed to achieve a significant shift in brand perception towards the desired values ‘open’, ‘friendly’ and ‘caring’.