Jopen brand campaign
An anything but boring relaunch of the brand
In their pursuit of becoming the largest independent craft brewer in The Netherlands, Jopen asked NEEW to dust off the brand and make it more appealing to a younger audience.
Jopen brews craft beer that’s definitely different and special. From hip-hoppy IPAs to unorthodox Caramel Seasalt Brownie Stout. Anything but boring! That’s Jopen’s new motto. It means that everything the brand makes or does is the opposite of common. One could say: atypically tasty. You can be sure at Jopen they’ll do their utmost to squeeze every last drop of mundane out of your day, no matter when or where you meet the brand.
What will the future hold? To answer that question, Jopen likes to quote mister David Bowie: “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” We created the new positioning, visual identity and campaign accordingly.
How exactly? Well we started out by ‘Making Joop Dope Again’ in the Popie Jopie Campaign. As we saw the name ‘Joop’ was declining in popularity for the recent years. Of course we had to do something about that… 😉
But also, launching a catwalk show during Fashion Week, with Dutch designer Bonne Reijn. Showcasing our ‘new look’ by the most crafty beer coolers ever made.